Dear David C. McGuire---- this thought hit me...by all i can research it is in present tense...but...but

for instance NIV replaces "Chief" with the word "worst"...that is misleading...from what i have searched

the greek word for "Chief" is "protos" where i believe we get the word "prototype"...Paul was the first sinner saved of Isarel that will be amongst the remnant in the end when God fulfilles Zechariah 12:10...it is not that Paul was the worst sinner...no....but first of his Jewish brethren when God saves a remnant and reconnect the natural branches with the root in accordance with Romans ch 11?.,..this is my thought on it....so it must be tested

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mr David C McGuire--- i care not to argue...but i have searched that 1 Timothy 1:15 and when Paul says....15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.....where Paul says of whom I am Chief is the in present tense...he does not say...of whom i was chief?....this is God's Word breathed...i only say this...if you can prove it is in past tense i will be first to apologize....but dear sir if not you are under "stricter judgment" than i am...that is my motive in pursuing this....i wont say a thing to anyone but you...sincerely Robert Bass

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